I figured I had better do some damage control before the rumor mill gets people confused about my diagnosis. I just want to make sure that accurate information is out there. I don't want anyone freaking out or worrying too much, or what have you, so after a lot of thought I figured I had better get it out in the open a little. Anyone heard of Ulcerative Colitis? I hadn't until I found out I had it. And who knows maybe this could get people who have not had colonoscopies done and should a little incentive to GET TESTED! (This is where things may get a little yucky, so If you have a weak stomach or potty talk is just too much info. for you, you may want to stop reading about here.) I had some digestive problems for the last few years, and recently had diarrhea for 2 months with blood and mucus and no end in sight. I'm very slow to go to the doctor, but with our trip coming up, I knew I had to get that resolved. No one should be in Europe with diarrhea. Sorry this is so gross. But it is what it is. I don't want to skimp on the syptoms and risk someone experiencing anything similar any doubt in getting checked out ASAP. What finally convinced me was a girl on Oprah who came on the show to thank her for a show she did with Doctor Oz which convinced her to get checked out after having bloody diarrhea, and it turned out she had colon cancer.
Anyways, got the colonoscopy and they found a few polyps but they were not cancerous. After hearing that I thought I was in the clear, but after my follow up visit my world changed a whole lot. I learned that I had moderate Ulcerative Colitis (moderate means it has affected about half of my colon) with low grade dysplasia. Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic autoimmune disease where for some reason the body attacks it's own tissues. It causes inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the colon, causing it not to work correctly. The low-grade dysplasia means that the cells in the diseased areas are beginning to become abnormal it is not cancerous but can often become cancerous. So they have to watch things very carefully. My doctor was very concerned that dysplasia was present after only approx. 2 years (we're guessing) of having UC. They generally do not expect dysplasia until you have had UC for at least 8 yrs. So due to the speed at which the cells are becoming abnormal they will do another test in 6 mos. to see if it has progressed to high-grade dysplasia at which point they will likely remove my colon, or the portion that is affected. Fortunately, I guess the treatment of UC has changed dramatically in the past 5 years. It used to be that once any dysplasia is discovered at all they would remove your colon due to the cancer risk. Now they will just watch very carefully to stay ahead of abnormal cell development and wait until high-grade dysplasia is detected. It also used to mean that if your entire colon was removed you had to deal with a colostomy bag for the rest of your life. However now about 70% of people have had success with a new procedure that fashions a sort of mini colon out of your lower small intestine meaning after 2 months with a bag allowing things to heal you can have this procedure done, and just have watery bowel movements about 6 times a day. Unpleasant yes, but it definitely beats the bag! So I am very grateful that treatment options have improved so much recently, and I'm grateful that only half of my colon has been affected. The disease starts near the rectum and then progresses upward, there are not patches of the disease here and there. Also on a positive note UC can be cured by removal of the colon granted enough is taken and any areas of cancer have not spread to other organs. The only part that still freaks me out a bit is that my doctor said it is not feasible to test every area of the colon they can only take samples in a grid type pattern, there can still be areas of high-grade dysplasia or cancer in-between the areas they take samples from. He said he sampled and sampled until he was worn out from sampling during my colonoscopy and I remember waking up to a counter top full of 20-30 bottles that I didn't remember being there when I went under. From the research I have done people with UC have very good chances of survival and early cancer detection due to close observation. Typical symptoms of UC are abdominal cramps, headache, fatigue, joint pain, diarrhea, dehydration, excessive weight loss and malnutrition. Unfortunately I have not experienced excessive weight loss. It would be my luck not to have the only symptom that I would actually like to have. It has been pretty overwhelming dealing with such news at 32 (it is typically found between 50-70), but I am truly grateful that things were discovered relatively early (not early in life but early in the disease). They have me on about 4800 mg of Asacol (an anti-inflammatory medication) a day, and a slew of supplements, and I am feeling pretty much back to normal. So I have about 4 mos. before my next colonoscopy to check the dysplasia. Then I will continue to have annual colonoscopies. We are starting to get used to the idea more everyday. It doesn't mean I don't have my moments of WHY ME, but things could always be worse. I was given some pretty incredible promises through one of the most amazing answers to prayer I have ever experienced. I was having a particularly low couple of days and spending way too much time on the computer researching the disease (I think the Lord made my computer get a virus just to make me chill out a bit, there's some scary info out there meant for doctors eyes only)(am I using parenthesis enough by the way? Sorry I'll stop). After a lot of prayer, I kept getting the impression repeatedly that I really needed to read my scriptures. So I finally did and after randomly opening the book and glancing through 2 or 3 verses I just could not believe what I was reading. I have never had the scriptures seem as though what I was reading was written so precisely just for me in a place I never would have expected. In Alma 24:14 it reads: "And the great God has had mercy on us, and made these things known unto us that we might not perish; yea, and he has made thing things known unto us beforehand, because he loveth our souls as well as he loveth our children; therefore, in his mercy he doth visit us by his angels, that the plan of salvation might be made known unto us as well as unto future generations." I just knew that those words were coming directly from the mouth of the Lord to me, and that I will be okay, this was not going to end my life, and take me away from my children. My biggest concern was the thought of not being able to see my kids grow up, or maybe see my grandkids. I hate feeling so down sometimes because I know there are people out there who are way more entitled to tears than I am right now, and they are so strong in the face of things so much scarier! It is just inspiring. Hayley, Travis, Tara, you know who you are. So for now it is mostly the uncertainty of how fast the dysplasia is progressing that freaks me out from time to time. Symptoms are pretty much in check. I do however hold out the hope that low-grade dysplasia can be very difficult to diagnose during an active phase of the disease and it takes very experienced pathologist to determine indefinite to low-grade or high grade dysplasia. Many pathologists differ in their diagnosis of the samples, so maybe I am indefinite! I never wished to be considered indefinite before, and negative would be even better. So in your prayers remember to pray that I will be negative(sorry just trying to find some bit of humor, and double sorry for the parenthesis again)! I am the eternal optimist.
The Cakes!
14 years ago
You are amazing Courtney! I was wondering what was going on when you wrote a little about your diagnosis, but I didn't want to pry. And just so you know, we have our days, in fact, we have plenty of days where we just sulk. It's okay to freak out a bit! I learned after Travis was diagnosed the first time to not read the internet. It was awful to spend my life doing so much research-and in Trav's case the outcome wasn't pretty-so this time I am only relying on what we feel and what the doctors say. I am here if you need anything, and if you need a good cry, I'm sure I could muster up some tears.
and you are looking mighty skinny!
How come we didn't make chat about this at Coppermill!? I'm so sorry. Not fun stuff. You have such a positive attitude about EVERYTHING. And congrats on your new calling. I had that calling with Julie L. as Pres. and it was some SUPER FUN times. You and Mary will do some serious damage. :)
Courtney, you are such a beautiful person. Your spirit and testimony are amazing. I'm so glad I'm your sister and get to learn so much from you.
I had no idea that you were having such health problems. You are so postive, wish I could be more like you.
Last time I talked to you you still weren't sure if it was cancerous or not so I am glad that it isn't! I know everything will turn out fine! I also just wanted to tell you to have fun with my YW. They can turn a grey day into a very bright one.
What a fantastic person to call my sister. You are such an amazing person with so many talents, and you have such a great testimony. We are always praying for you and can't wait to see you guys in August.
I had no idea you were having problems!! I am so sorry!! What a hard thing to go through!! You have such a strong testimony and are so positive, I really loved reading your entry. Not like I have anything near what you have but I got diagnosed with irritable bowel after Peyton, and it was a lot of those symptoms. It was really hard!!! If you need anything, even a nap or break don't ever hesitate to call!!!
For the past couple of weeks I have been admiring your cute trip pictures and only finally read today...I am so sorry that you are experiencing such turmoil and want you to know how much I admire you for your strength and optimism. May the Lord continue to bless you and your beautiful family for the blessing that you have been to so many. You're in my thoughts and prayers my friend.
Love from Texas.
Courtney- Never underestimate the power of positive thinking and prayer! ANYTHING is possible, even if the doctors or internet are negative. You really become more of who you are when your spirit is tested, and this is a test that you will pass with flying colors, you are a beautiful person, and this just gives me one more reason to admire you! I too had an answer to prayer in the scriptures once when I was having a particularly difficult "bad mom day". The answers are right in front of us! I am very glad you got diagnosed early.
Love ya.
I love you! You are an inspiration! We will pray for your negativeness :) I'm gonna email you now :)
I was searching the web for someone with ulcerative colitis hoping to get someone who is going through the same things I am to be able to compare notes... Sometimes I think the doctors are trying to kill me. After reading your information I can see you read your scriptures! Great! That has been a big help to me too!
I have a sister who has Crohns disease she was so ill during a pregnancy we didn't know what was happening... she still battles up & downs of the disease and has had a colostomy. I discovered about the same time I was having some problems... Often running to the bathroom with horrible cramps and diarrhea that left me so weak. (I prayed to know what was going on...Was I getting Crohns?) A still small voice told me watch what you're eating... So I watched closely... I discovered every time I had dairy products I was in the bathroom 20 minutes later and in my usual pain process. I had to learn the hard way that dairy is in alot more products I was consumming than I realized. Everything...butter, cheese, milk, ice cream powdered milk creamed sauces yummy desserts, puddings icings, milk chocolate, even some spaghetti sauces etc. I learned to read labels really well! I did see a doctor for a colonoscopy and was told I had ulcerative colitis or perhaps a very mild form of crohns. They have tried a few drugs that I can't take because they have lactose in them. I'm currently on Lialda that is lactose free but I'm not really sure it is working for me. I was a leader at girls camp last week before starting my medication and stayed away from dairy so I wouldn't be miserable. I was fine all week. No diarrhea, no bleeding, normal bowel movements. I wonder if I'm better off without the meds that are making me more miserable and just avoiding dairy? Thought this might help you... I know when I have dairy it takes a while before I can feel normal and everything I eat when I'm so inflamed just adds to the problem. When I avoid dairy and limit sugar I am fine. Good luck to you, and continue reading your scriptures specially the Book of Mormon. They contain the Words of Life...
My prayers are with you too! xo, imneiss
Hi-I found your blog searching about UC. Are you LDS too? I'd love to chat anytime. I'm a 29 year old LDS woman and I've had UC for almost eight years. I'm sure we would have lots to talk about. It's hard to find people to talk to that understand the extent of the disease. It is so wonderful that you are doing well right now!
Jenny (you can link to my blog on my profile)
Hi Jenny,
Hope your doing good! Yes I am LDS here in the Ohio. Lot's of Church history here. I belonged to the Kirtland Ohio Stake...Last Feb. 07 we became a new Stake (The Youngstown Ohio Stake)... This Sunday is our Stake Conference - I'm currently serving as Primary Stake Secretary and in my Ward I also serve as 1st counselor in YW's...I love it all! It really gives me the knowledge I need to know that something else is happening in my life...that's way better than my uc or Crohn's. I wonder if you too have noticed if dairy has an effect on your flare-ups? I prayed to know what was causing my troubles...and a still small voice said to watch what I was eating more closely. It was milk that seemed to be the culprit...when I thought it was other things - after looking at the ingredients I would discover a milk product in it. Do you know they even put dairy in spagetti & Campbell's Vegetable Beef Soup? Who would of thought?
The doctor I go to has tried to place me on 3 different drugs but they cause me as much grief as if I drank a glass of milk...I'm planning to stay away from dairy (no cheating - I would often say I'm at home close to the bathroom...just a little ice cream...) Then I would pay for it dearly later. No more...after being at girls camp all week and avoiding dairy; I discovered I didn't have any problems with flare ups. So that's what I'm planning to do - avoid dairy and then let my doc check my next colonoscopy and pray for the best. You can be assured though I will get a priesthood blessing...I hope you have done this as well, and please pray to know what it is that is causing your uc...then listen and be prepared to follow the guidance your given by the still small voice of the Holy Ghost. I know prayers are answered and that we have a Heavenly Father who is a God of miracles! Remember he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Trust in Him!!! My prayers are with you and for your success in being all He created you to be... God Bless and Keep You in His Care! In Jesus Name.
I believe I had problems with uc since I was 23. I am 49 now. I really think avoiding the dairy products has helped me greatly, my life could certainly have been one of complete misery if I continued on my dairy downhill. That's 26 years, wow! I did have some rough times before I realized what was giving me such flare-ups...but now flare-ups only come when I'm dumb enough to eat something I shouldn't (some times when eating out I really don't know if they prepared the food in a pot of butter, till it's too late) I do fix alot of meals at home!!! Thank goodness my mom was a good cook and taught me well! Take care! Good luck to you, Sorry if this is so long, I've never had anyone to share this with who could possible understand...please let me know how things are going for you! xo!
My daughter was just diagnosed with UC earlier this year (at nine). I was a wreck for awhile. Of course, there could have been far worse things, but when you are a mom, anything "bad" regarding your children is upsetting!
Hers is well managed so far. She went into remission right after starting treatment and has stayed that way. I hope your treatment plan is as successful!
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