I found this video on the LDS Church website. I loved to so much I had to haul my computer to church on sunday so I could share it with my Laurel class.
I can't believe that Easter has come and gone the calendar confirms it, however the weather and my internal calendar just seems a bit off. I usually am anticipating spring so much I can hardly wait, but this year, I really don't want to tackle all of our outdoor projects. It just seems we have barely wrapped up the inside ones. I really can't wait to have it done, I'm just running out of steam to do it myself. In fact I am ashamed to admit I just noticed a Christmas garland outside that has not yet been removed. I keep thinking I would get to it but the ladder has been in the extra garage surrounded by mud. Shameful! To still have Christmas decor up AFTER Easter! A perfect illustration of the state of affairs at our house though. Oh well, enough whinning lets talk about Easter!
We had two visitors come to stay with us. The top picture is Easter loot they scored from Uncle Gabewhen he came about a week ago. The second pic is what Grandma Guymon brought for Easter (a dress and doll for Cate and street hockey gear for the boys). Much to our kids delight they are doomed to be spoiled. They are the only grandkids on the Guymon side so it gets rather ridiculous, although they would never complain. While Grandma was here we had projects to do of course she is a great sport about helping watch the kids, and helping in the manual labor department as well. Every holiday has been tainted with one project or another this year, but Grandma had fun with the kids while Chris and I painted his Logan office and I tiled the downstairs tub surround. The kids were in desperate need of new bikes, so Chris and I got the kids some new ones since their birthdays are still a ways off, I don't think they would have let us wait another minute. In fact Coley declared he would not ride his "little bike" to school ANYMORE! I admit it was way too small for him, but we thought bikes for Christmas would have been a little bittersweet since they couldn't ride them till spring anyways. I guess the cheapskate in me has to apply a big toy purchase to some sort of holiday! Cai got a big 20 inch bike with handlebrakes and a kickstand those were about his only requirements since every picture of any bike he loved. Cole just wanted a big bike so he got one with flames all over it, and Cate (if you haven't guessed already) wanted a princess bike with a basket. We couldn't even wait for the big day to give them their bikes. We ordered them in and I had to go pick them up so I took the kids with me, and they were so excited to see them. Cole nearly wanted to ride it right through the store. I figured since it was supposed to rain the rest of the weekend I would let them ride on them while the weather was good on Friday.
Easter morning was really fun, Cai came into my room at 6 a.m. I told him we would go out and look at baskets at 7:30. So Cai crawled in bed by me and proceeded to ask me if it was 7:30 yet every 15 minutes. They had already received their big gift so the baskets were mostly small toys a DVD and candy, but they were ecstatic nonetheless. The Easter bunny had a great idea this year by the way, each kid was assigned two colors of eggs to hunt for so that each kid got exactly the same number of eggs and the Easter Bunny could hide them according to how old they were (i.e. easy spots or harder spots). We'll
have to remember that for next year. We picked up some really cute wind up toys from a store in New Zealand called Catch & Kiss, they're all metal and mechanical so the kids can see how they work. Cai's is called Pintacuda and Cole's is called Sparklz. Cai's walks like a bouncy bug and Cole's spins and makes sparks. The boys loved them and so did we. You can see them and more at Kikkerland.
Somehow we had a bit of a Swedish food fest on Sunday I didn't realize until later that we had Swedish pancakes with lingonberry preserves for breakfast, and Swedish hamballs for dinner. Maybe it was one of those subconcious things.
The Cakes!
14 years ago
Cate looked so darling on Sunday! (your kids always look cute though). Sienna is getting a bike for her birthday and I am so excited to give it to her. How in the world did our kids get so grown up??
I can't believe you tiled your bathroom - Go Courtney. I am going to have to come over and get a lesson because I need some tile work done in my house too.
We broke down and got Lillian a bike too. Thank goodness spring has decided to arrive.
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