I overheard Cai saying to Cole who was getting very upset while trying to open a drawer. "You don't have to throw a tarantula Cole! All you have to do is say Cai can you help me please."
After doing something he knew he shouldn't have and hearing he would be grounded for two days he said "I understand mom, I can live with that."
After looking at Tile for about twenty minutes Cai said "Mom why do we have to stay at Slowes (Lowes) all day? I never want to come here again."
4-6-09 We were watching the testaments for F.H.E. and Cai said the funniest thing. We were watching the part where Kohor has Jacob chained up in the cave after her murdered the governor and is eating in front of him to tempt him. Cai suddenly says "he is a bad man! He is even eating with his mouth full!" I guess that rates right up there with murder!
Cole is our parrot. He loves to repeat things he hears such as: "I'ts my money and I want it now!"
"Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me."
Boy's rule and girls drool!"
He's also all over the house chanting "You got blood on your face, a big disgrace kickin your can all over the place, sayin we will, we will rock you!"
Most recently his favorite quote is "Chics dig the car (from Batman and Robin)."
Cole got caught going somewhere he shouldn't have without permission. When I told him that it was a very serious mistake, and asked him what he should do next time he replied " I should have made steak."
"Cai poo poo. Daddy poo poo." and laughs hysterically.
She also still loves "E-I-E-I-O."
Cai and Cole are both now "caicole."
She says "my blue" when requesting a pink popsicle or anything pink.
She has also started referring to my parents as "Pope" instead of Grandma and Grandpa (Pope is their last name). S
Suddenly last night she broke into "We wiw, We wiw, wock coo!" (Cole loves to chant this repeatedly and always ask for the Queen Cd in the car).
Since finishing the basement she always refers to the upstairs (since we're spending more time in the basement these days) as "updownstairs."
We were watching a movie about temples for family night and they showed a bronze statue of Joseph Smith. Cate jumps up and exclaims excitedly "him's made of chocolate!"
She has started doing dance performances for us and says "thank you, thank you" while bowing to us all at the end.
4-8-09 Cate was looking at a picture of her dad in front of L.A.'s Olympic Memorial Colloseum and she says "daddy's in the bracelet temple!" (the olympic rings)
Oh Courtney. I am ROTFLMAO. I have tears! For those of you who don't get the above......I am Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass off. I loved it!
Whatever, we all know that you really hang your kids off of cliffs just to get that perfect shot. You aren't fooling any of us!
I had to look again this morning....we have the funniest family ever. Love you guys!
My kids sleep with their eyes part way open too. They get it from their dad, but now you've got me thinking that I should get a picture of it.
OK you Taylor Kid does your Mom need to wash your mouth out with soap? Hey Courtney does this mean war like the last time.
Individually they are great but even funnier when compiled all together like that! Show that at a family reunion:)
Those were great! Thanks for not including the real doosy! The cliffhanger shots were scary, it made my stomach turn just to look at them.
Funny! The first one reminds me of one we have of my niece's whole body in one leg of my pajama bottoms. :)
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