Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Update on U.C. and Thyroid

Well first off thanks so much for everyone's prayers and fasting. It has been a rough few weeks and I have felt like my body (and mind) was just falling apart. First my Thyroid had suspicious growths, then my U.C. meds were damaging my kidneys, then the doc decided to put me on Prednisone. About the most horrific medication with awful and embarrassing side effects like acne, weight gain, "moon face," mood swings, OCD, joint pain, and on and on. Then finally after weeks of waiting and worrying I find out that the growths on my thyroid are benign! What a relief. They are still too big, but the doc isn't forcing me to have them removed right now, their size is a worry, and if they get even half a cm larger I wont have a choice anymore and I will have to get my whole thyroid removed. But at least I can let that go a little now while we try to get my U.C. under control again. They had to take me off my Lialda for two weeks until my creatine levels went down again, and I have had a major flare up since then. I just started the Prednizone on Saturday and have only noticed a little puffiness in my face so far. The doc called yesterday and said my blood levels were back down again on Friday, so he's going to start me on Asacol (the non time realease version of Lialda) for three days and have me go in for another blood test on Thursday. I'm kinda hoping that there was just something about the time release that my kidneys didn't like but we'll see. The Asacol is a pain just because it is 4 pills 3 times a day, but I'll take that over the prednisone anyday! So please all I ask is that no one laughs at me when I look like the stay puffed marshmallow man in a few weeks!


Hayley said...

I always feel so bad when I see what you've been going through, and of course I havne't done anything to help! I'm sorry you've been so stressed!

On another note, I have not excuse for looking a little like the "stay puff"...just sayin.

Thinking of you!

Candace said...

Courtney, I seriously didn't know you had all those other things going on. As if the U.C. wasn't enough! Please let me help you with something. Especially with YW, seriously!

Taylor Family said...

I wished I lived closer Courtney, I'm only a phone call away when you need someone to talk to. I want this problem fixed for you. You know we love you always and forever and no matter what.

Naomi said...

I hope that you are feeling well and keeping your spirits up. I'm so sorry that you are going through all of these trials. You're in my thoughts and prayers my dear friend. Love from Texas!