Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Don't send a lame eCard.
Try JibJab Sendables!

Happy Birthday Chris! This is it your last birthday you can say you're in your twenties! Thank you so much for all that you do for our family. You are such a great dad and husband. Your kids think the world of you, I am continually having to remind them when daddy is coming home, because they want to wrestle, play games, or just give you a big bear hug. We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. I am continually amazed by everything you do and how well you do it. I hope you know your hard work and sacrifices are deeply appreciated and admired. You work so hard for our family to provide us a great life. We love you so much.
I couldn't ask for a better companion, I know I always joke about how I have no idea how we ended up together because we were so different when we first met, but I hope you know I couldn't be happier with my choice of companions. We are truly soul mates, we couldn't be a better fit for each other. Have a great birthday!


Hayley said...

He and Travis share a B-day...who knew?

Happy Birthday Chris!

Naomi said...

Happy birthday Chris! Enjoy this year because you are only really 29 once, from now on you'll be lying about your age. LOL. I am so glad to be able to "catch up" with your gorgeous family. And Courtney, as a friend who was there when the two of you met AND sees how you are now; you two complete each other! Love from Texas.

McCabe Family said...

Happy B-Day Christopher.
Love the JibJab I laughed and laughed and Porter thought it was pretty cool that they could do those mad moves.

Candice Eborn said...

We had a fun time watching your clip, we must have watched 10 times or so. (Stephen, however, has been driving me crazy. He'll just say "Jib Jab" at the most random times ever since watching your clip.)